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13 Search Results for Mann,_Herbie

search type: artist - search string: Mann, Herbie
covermediaartist: title
purch.label/yearmy opinionother inforating
vinyl Mann, Herbie:
Glory of Love
purchase Glory of Love A&M(CTI)\'67

vinyl Mann, Herbie:
Impressions of the Middle East
purchase Our Mann Flute/Impressions of the Middle East Atlantic\?

cd Mann, Herbie:
Jazz Masters 56
purchase Verve Jazz Masters 56 sold

vinyl Mann, Herbie:
Memphis Two-Step
purchase Memphis Two-Step Embryo\'71

vinyl Mann, Herbie:
Right Now
purchase Right Now/Latin Fever Atlantic\? scratches

cd Mann, Herbie:
Standing Ovation at Newport
purchase Standing Ovation at Newport

vinyl Mann, Herbie:
The Beat Goes on
Atlantic/'67 decent album from Mann... lots of different genres. nothing ground breaking - a lot of covers and (possibly) trendy-music of the day 3.5

vinyl Mann, Herbie:
The Common Ground
purchase The Common Ground Atlantic\?

cd Mann, Herbie:
The Evolution of Mann - two discs
purchase The Evolution of Mann: The Herbie Mann Anthology

vinyl Mann, Herbie:
The Whirling Dervishes
purchase The Family of Mann/The Wailing Dervishes Atlantic/'67

vinyl Mann, Herbie:
Atlantic/'66 This is a pretty nice one for Mann - lots of pop covers arranged for larger ensemble by Oliver Nelson Mono 0

vinyl Mann, Herbie:
Turtle Bay
purchase Turtle Bay/Discotheque Atlantic\?

cd Mann, Herbie:
Yardbird Suite
purchase Yardbird Suite

end of results